Really quick in a hurry today. Mainly because it has been a day.. lots of tears. Those days just ugh.
Anyhoo.. It is day three. I didn't get up at o dark thirty because
1. I am lazy
2. I like sleeps
3. My shins were bothering me so I chose to walk instead of lift and walk
But I went at 1130 today and put in my miles, after crying a river of tears this morning. So to me that was a win in of itself. So here I am I start out and damn it.. it hurts. My feet they are bothering me, but I kept on... and on and on....
After I few wrong turns and a hike through a construction zone I end up where I am supposed to be and still in pain, but I glance down and there is a battered penny right there in my path. Do you know how many others had to have passed that penny for it to be so worn and no one saw it, but there it was there today... beaten and scarred like my broken heart. So I picked it up.
I have to back track a tiny bit, this morning over and over I listened to a song, a sad one but one line kept coming across louder and louder... "Go in peace and love..." All morning I have debated and fought with myself if Deanna knew I loved her, if she forgave me, if life was enough for her... and here she was all morning saying.. Mommy... Stop... go in peace and love. Well a few steps after picking up that penny I heard it again.. Go in peace and love... mommy run.
So I did. I knew I had made a promise that I wouldn't but I had to and the most amazing thing happened. I ran and it felt so much better than walking! It was slow but it felt good! I know that it is hard for some to believe that these things happen and that I hear these things and yes they probably are all in my head but they speak directly to my heart and if that gets me through today.. tomorrow and the next day then by God that is exactly what I am going to do.
So for today I am going to go in peace and love...
Day three in the books.
Peace, Love and Miles
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