Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Day 7 and 8

How appropriate .. eight on the 8th day. Not sure there are other people who hurry up and train this fast but there is me.. you know the odd ball.

Monday and Tuesday were no run days, granted I could have run Monday but due to a change in the work schedule I am glad I didn't.  I did go to training both days and barely survived. Ok I am kidding I am pretty much used to the pain that causes but there is still that part of me that is constantly like WhyTF does this have to hurt ALL THE TIME. Like am I ever going to get strong enough that a power clean is a power easy?? Will I ever not cringe when someone says crunchy frog... well probably not ...hello frogs. Ew. Either way I put the time in lifted a few weights and burnt a few calories.

This morning... long run. (I say run because it sounds more better than Run/Walk or Walk Run or slow ass movement going forward) I had to put in 8 miles this coming weekend to ensure that I could in fact finish a half marathon in 17 days from today and my work schedule was not cooperating at all! I didn't see doing 8 miles then working a double, or even a brunch... INSANE! So I decided to go today, no rain, not freezing and I don't work tonight. So at 4 am I left my warm bed and headed out to the golf course... I don't even LIKE GOLF! Granted I started at Bad Bean and I like Bad Bean! Off I went into the darkness trot trot trot... all the way to the end.. and back.. and all the way to the end.. and back.. oh screw this I am not doing the same track AGAIN! Took a little detour to the Kitty Hawk Rd light and back and whhaaalaaa! Eight very slow ass miles were complete!

I did fine on the run but as soon as I got in the truck my left foot cramped up like you would not even believe. I know it is a "What the Hell are you doing Cramp" so after coffee I rushed home to ice roll it and threw the brace on. It is already MUCH better. So I call today a win. It is very hard not to get discouraged by the time it is taking me to complete a mile, but I keep telling myself this is not about time! It is about a trip of a lifetime with my best friends! I can work on my time when I get home.

So some good news for today... I have 9 days before I have to do another long run!!!! 10 miles up next.. WOOHOO.

Some lessons learned today:

  • It is F'ING dark on Johnson Lane at 4:30 am
  • Use your flashlight or you will trip (I saved myself before hitting the ground but it was an ugly flail. 
  • You will run into friends on the path when you least expect it. 
  • You can and will completely run a different path than everyone else if you don't pay attention (worked out in my favor.. I don't need to run on concrete)
  • I still get VERY VERY COLD after running even though I was not cold while doing it and was dressed correctly (like 2 hours later.. still shivering)
  • I need to put non running shoes in the car
  • You can put a blankie in the car for Banx to snuggle on while you are gone but he won't lay on it. 
  • Coffee is still the best part of running. 
Go in Peace and Love
Re Run


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